
Crystal Grant

Office of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Crystal is passionate about better understanding the effects of technology on society and is especially interested in ensuring the benefits of tech are applied equitably and that tech tools developed are free of harmful biases. During her undergraduate studies at Cornell University, she earned a B.A. in Biological Sciences with a minor in Anthropology. She is a recent graduate of Emory University where she received her Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology. In her research, she used bioinformatics tools to characterize the molecular changes in humans with age to better understand the relationship between aging and human health.

Throughout her graduate studies, Crystal has advocated for graduate students as President of Emory’s Graduate Student Council, volunteered with K-12 science outreach and education initiatives around Atlanta, and mentored underrepresented students. After defending her PhD, she worked as a Science and Technology Policy Mirzayan Fellow at the National Academies where she contributed to research policies to increase the number of Women of Color working in tech.

Crystal is serving with Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and supporting on oversight, health care, and technology issues.