I see tech policy through a very different lens; my focus is driven by cybersecurity and technology ethics, but it is colored with the passion that all people should have equal digital access, knowledge, and transparency of digital infrastructure that supports our lives.
Meet the Fellows 2021: B Cavello
Where They're Serving: Placements for our 2021 Congressional Innovation Fellows
End of Year Reflection: 2020 Fellow John Yaros
Announcing Our 2021 Congressional Innovation Fellows
Meet the Scholars 2020: Genevieve Fried
Meet the CDS Fellows: Alex Prokop
“Over the last five or six years, newly created modern digital service organizations have made government more efficient, more accessible, and more reliable—and we’re just getting started. I joined TechCongress’ Congressional Digital Service Fellowship to help bring this model and practices to the first branch.”
Meet the Scholars 2020: Zach Barnes
Meet the CDS Fellows: Britney Lyons
“Not only do I get to expand upon my knowledge of the complex system that is government, but I also get to do my part in helping Congress build systems to function more effectively during these unprecedented times. I feel incredibly lucky to be part of this process and am excited to see what our team can accomplish with our time here.”
Meet the Scholars 2020: Jackson Brietzke
Where they're serving: the placement for our 2020 Congressional Innovation Scholars
Meet the CDS Fellows: Johncarlo Cerna
“I wanted to continue to learn, grow, and evolve while working towards a more positive future. I wanted to work in an area with high impact, something that could create meaningful change. Most importantly, I wanted to come home happy, knowing I did the best I could to fulfill the dream of positively impacting as many people as possible.”
Meet the Scholars 2020: Noam Kantor
“Making sure technology plays a just and equitable role in our society will not only take “all of us” -- policymakers, civic leaders, everyday people trying to make ends meet, and marginalized groups -- it will take “all of all of us.” In the pursuit of Just Tech, we cannot leave any of ourselves behind because technology will affect every part of our lives. We need not only all the voices in our society, but all of the voices within us.”
Meet the Scholars 2020: Crystal Grant
“As a Congressional Innovation Scholar, I will gain hands-on experience drafting effective legislation, conducting vital oversight, and interacting with constituents and advocacy organizations. I know the year ahead will be a difficult one for a nation stricken by a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, but I am grateful for the opportunity to serve.”
Announcing the 2020 Congressional Innovation Scholars and Digital Service Fellows
Meet the Fellows 2020: Victoria Houed
I'm looking forward to theorizing things like the good and bad avenues in which tech can go, thinking about how we can solve problems within technology preemptively (not once tech has done its damage), and learning enough to create policies that positively impact the lives of as many people as possible.”
Meet the Fellows 2020: Peter Terpeluk
Meet the Fellows 2020: Jennie Kam
“Years into my attempt to reach as many students as possible via after-school programs, a colleague introduced me to the world of public policy. I was, perhaps embarrassingly, shocked at the impact it has at the federal level. I was equally shocked to find out it was a world I could possibly work for.”
Meet the Fellows 2020: Walter Pope
“I believe we truly have a beautiful form of government. We the people actually get to govern ourselves. I joined TechCongress because I want to protect and be a part of that process. If it is us, the people, who govern, then it is our duty to put forward the best ideas to produce a flourishing society.”