
Unsure if government is for you or if you should apply? Interested in hearing more about past fellows’ experiences working in Congress? Read about their experiences down below!

"Serving the First Branch has been the highlight of my career."

“Through supporting Senator Tom Udall, my understanding of technology policy became more nuanced."

"Thanks to TechCongress, I now have the opportunity to weave my story and yours into America's lore."

"[T]hanks to TechCongress, there is a place in Congress for people with experiences like mine."

Dream it

"Serving the First Branch has been the highlight of my career." – “Through supporting Senator Tom Udall, my understanding of technology policy became more nuanced." – "Thanks to TechCongress, I now have the opportunity to weave my story and yours into America's lore." – "[T]hanks to TechCongress, there is a place in Congress for people with experiences like mine." – Dream it



House Committee on Ways and Means Democrats

“I felt grateful every day to be able to work on the Hill. It gave me an appreciation for the difficulty of the job and a better understanding of why legislation can take so long to pass.”

Maurice turner, 2017 fellow

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Republicans

“The collegial atmosphere that I experienced everyday on the Hill is what will leave the most lasting impression of my time as a Fellow.”


Office of Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI)

“As a TechCongress fellow, I had a valuable opportunity to learn how Congress deals with tech from the inside…”

James gIMBI, 2018 fELLOW

Office of Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

“The fellowship broadened my pool of options, and it has been a huge differentiator in competitive interviews.”


Office of Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM)

“Through supporting Senator Tom Udall, my understanding of technology policy became more nuanced.”


Office of House speaker pelosi (D-CA)

“Working under Speaker Pelosi was an incredible, life-changing experience that I never would have had without TechCongress.”

b cavello, 2021 FELLOW

Office of Sen. ron wyden (D-or)

“[T]hanks to TechCongress, there is a place in Congress for people with experiences like mine.”

David COOK, 2021 SCHOLAR


“My time working for [a] Member of Congress was one of the most meaningful and rewarding experiences in my life that shapes everything I’ve done since I left [the army].”

Joshua kravitz, 2021 scholar

House Committee on Oversight and Reform Government Operations Subcommittee

“TechCongress jumpstarted my career in government – great people, great mission, and great learning opportunity. I couldn't recommend it enough.”

Joel Burke, 2022 Fellow

Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX-11)

“Becoming a TechCongress fellow has been one of the most impactful decisions of my life, enabling me to give back to my country but also learn a tremendous amount about how DC actually works while being part of an incredible community.”

Ishvaraus Davis, 2023 Fellow

Office of Rep. Jamaal Bowmn (D-NY-16)

“The learnings from this experience have been invaluable and wouldn't have been possible without meeting so many phenomenal people along the way.”

Jasmine Suarez, 2023 Fellow

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC)

“Joining TechCongress has been a life-changing experience and a gateway for technologists like myself to contribute our diverse experiences and skill sets to the advancement of our country's technology policy.”