Brian has achieved a wide range of government and advocacy experience in a relatively short time, already being recognized by Politico as a “veteran tech lobbyist” by age 36.
Before joining Franklin Square, Brian was Director of Government Relations at BlackBerry. He led the company’s legislative agenda on Capitol Hill and did extensive work on patent reform, telecommunications, cybersecurity, and sustainability. And, yes, he takes credit for helping President Obama keep his BlackBerry in the White House.
Prior to BlackBerry, Brian had a senior role at the Information Technology Industry Council, where he led the industry’s political and lobbying efforts on trade, telecom, privacy, and energy. He created and directed the High Tech DTV Coalition and the Wireless Innovation Alliance, two coalitions that successfully lobbied to free wireless spectrum.
Brian’s expertise is rooted in his years of work in Congress, where he served former U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA), then a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He was Inslee’s Press Secretary, and then made the unique move to policy, where he helped Inslee pass legislation in a number technology areas. Inslee is now the Governor of Washington State.
Brian was the first person to legally make a bitcoin political contribution. He loves the outdoors and dreams of skiing this line. He is active in Washington D.C.’s historic Shaw Neighborhood, where he lives with his family.