WTOP: New company aims to help vets shift skills to civilian careers

WTOP reports on the difficulties finding job opportunities after serving in the military.

WASHINGTON — Transitioning from the military into a civilian career can be tough, but there’s a new company working to connect veterans with opportunities that match their backgrounds.

“The software we have will translate what people have done in the military and map it to different traits and attributes,” said Mike Slagh, CEO of Shift.

Some jobs that are administrative or in health care, for example, are fundamentally the same where ever they’re performed, he said. Shift helps identify core skills that vets possess who do jobs that don’t mirror functions in the private sector.

“What we do for recruiters is break down some of the building blocks that go into different military professions so they can start to map veterans to attributes and traits about their experiences instead of trying to place them in a very similar job to what they did in the military,” Slagh said.