San Diego Union Tribune: Lesser-known candidates could shake up tight race to replace Hunter

Alumni Nate Wilkins’ run for Congress featured in The San Diego Union Tribune

The race for California’s 50th congressional district is one of the premiere contests of the 2020 election cycle, with a political family dynasty in shambles, several high profile candidates, and lots and lots of money.

As such the front-runners in the race — Republicans Carl DeMaio, Darrell Issa, Brian Jones and Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar — have become fairly well-known names in a district that includes huge swaths of San Diego’s east county and inland north county and a small portion of Riverside County.

Voters in the 50th will see six additional names on their ballot come election day though , and the longshot bids of those candidates could shake things up in a tight primary, where the top two vote-getters will advance regardless of political party.