StateScoop: Why 2023 could be a year for civic-tech optimism — TechCongress

StateScoop: Why 2023 could be a year for civic-tech optimism

Founder and Executive Director Travis Moore co-authored “Why 2023 could be a year for civic-tech optimism”

This year has the potential to be a positive, transformational year for government at all levels.

You’d be forgiven for scoffing at that sentence. With a divided Congress, many are ready to call 2023 a wash and set their sights on 2024. But from our vantage point in the world of public interest technology, that would be a mistake. We’ve never been as poised to drive meaningful, lasting change in government.

It’s taking place at every level of government — federal, state and local — as a result of three key factors: Increased capacity for tech talent in government jobs, digital delivery being written directly into policy, and government systems changing right before our eyes. The potential impact is enormous and will be felt in policies large and small — remaking the social safety net, transforming how we file taxes, modernizing infrastructure and beyond.