A Crowdfunding Victory

One of the lessons I've learned launching a startup is that big victory is a function of lining up small win after small win.  There are always eighteen things you can be doing at any given time.  The key to success is focusing on each piece individually.  

Earlier this week I celebrated one of these wins.  On Monday I launched my public Indiegogo campaign to raise a few dollars for TechCongress and extend my runway by a few weeks.   My goal was to raise $5k to cover the costs of the Kick Accelerator course at the Impact Hub San Francisco, my trip to Personal Democracy Forum and a few other incidental expenses (like a new laptop cord, for one).  

On the strength of fantastic friends, family and former coworkers, I met the goal faster than I could have imagined-- my campaign was fully funded within 18 hours.  Another small win that will give me a few more weeks to, I hope, line up some additional small wins.  

A big thanks to all the supporters!  As I said on many a social media shout-out, You Rock!


To see the full list of our contributors,  you can visit our partners page.